Our toddler program is specially designed to cater to the unique needs and abilities of children aged 18 months to 3 years old. We provide a stimulating environment that encourages exploration, discovery, and creativity. Our experienced teachers guide your child’s development by offering engaging activities that promote language and communication skills, cognitive growth, and socialization. Our curriculum is designed to foster curiosity, independence, and a love for learning that will set the foundation for your child’s future success.
Little Acorns uses Frog Street curriculum which is developmentally appropriate and includes learning standards and NAEYC standards are tied in. Our curriculum incorporates language (english, spanish and basic sign), math, science, reading, music, physical development, and STEAM. Children’s progress is assessed at Little Acorns in three ways. Children are assessed through informal observations, work samplings and anecdotal notes. Assessments on the child’s progress are done 3 times per year.
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